‘Many of these boys find writing a chore but were able to produce the most imaginative narratives’



Preston Park Primary School, London


In March we travelled to London to visit Preston Park Primary, one of the charity AIR’s partner schools, where we worked over two days with 11 children to help them create their stories. I ask the children that I work with to sit opposite each other and the portraits they create are just brilliant.



The group at drew some great portraits of each other using charcoal and graphite pencils. The portrait on the left was of King, drawn by Dontae. The groups I work with quite often say they can’t draw, or they can’t draw people, but his exercise quickly gives each child confidence, and if they do struggle then I am there to help.


At the end of a project I go away and work really hard scanning and editing the the stories and drawings created by the group I have worked with, then printing cutting and folding the mini books that each child receives. This picture is taken just as two of the children from Preston Park Primary received their mini books - one of my favourite parts of Story Drawing Club!